while i was in my LOLLIPOPNESS now.
i am not forgetting about Queenie's sexiness.
all i need is that photobook immediately.
ラブハロ! 高橋愛写真集inプーケット - 定価:
ラブハロ!高橋愛 DVD - 定価:
this is crazy. both of this worth more than 2 weeks of my allowance. maybe i shall just buy the photobook. i can just hug it to bed. whereas, the dvd, i still have to play it on. well. i am considering...... who knows if my mum is in luck tonight and she pay the rest for me. muahahahahahaha. andddd. i still cant figure out about reina's dvd sells more than Queeenie's. u know and i know, Queenie worth much more than that. =PPPP
thats' all for today. May Queenie bless all the ones who are taking their examinations. including me.^^b