omg~ the stage is dam cold~ sumore the aircon above directly face me~ Maths PII is rather tough.. but some I know how 2 do.. luckili~~ stupid formula.. I go remb wrong~~~~ evil me~ ax+bx+c= 0 I actually ad a extra A in.. bcum ax+bx+Ac= 0.. soo stupid~ 2mr bioo.. duno how survive..~ clever me~ 2dae go d/l Ami Suzuful~ wahaha!~ latest album.. duno y got.. I tot wed then is the release date..? but nvm.. quite nice the album~ recently got addicted to delightful *crazy ur lub crazy my lub lalalalala~* and eventful.. Track 8.. Risk~ v nice~ lalala~ *everyday I am waiting for u~* the lyris~ her voice v rough leh.. =S but the perf of Neigaigoto and delightful at A nation is good~ and the cover of Around the world.. xO